Rio to Cape Town – Leg 2, Race 3 – 3rd Nov
Posted by Della Parsons on Friday, November 6, 2009
Tuesday 3rd Race 3 Day 8
We did it! We crossed the scoring gate at 6.48 this morning. That's three really important points to us and proof that we are still in the lead too and just about holding off our nearest rivals Singapore and Cork. We've been trying to work out the possible placings for the overall race now, after leg 2- should we come first, second or third (obviously we're going for gold!) but the permutations are endless so we give up and hope for a nice surprise. The good news is that neither Finland nor Australia picked up points at the gate and both are out of the top three at the moment in this leg, so if it stays that way we will be closing the gap on them fast.
It's watch changeover day so I go from Port watch to starboard. I'm not looking forward to it, as going to bed at 8pm is completely alien to me and having to haul myself out of bed at 1.30am is not my idea of fun. On top of that Piers also changes the clocks and we go forward an hour. He likes to keep it still light for our crew meetings at 8pm and give the on-coming watch a chance to check the rig in the light. So we're now not on GMT (or UTC) we're on DBT (Dudin Boat Time). I quite like the idea of being able to change the clocks to suit your lifestyle. It would cause great chaos in the world – but what fun! My body might not be saying that at 1.30, sorry 2.30am tomorrow though! We also have new watch leaders from today. The lovely Lou will be ours, so whatever we do and whatever time we do it in – it's bound to be fun!
We did it! We crossed the scoring gate at 6.48 this morning. That's three really important points to us and proof that we are still in the lead too and just about holding off our nearest rivals Singapore and Cork. We've been trying to work out the possible placings for the overall race now, after leg 2- should we come first, second or third (obviously we're going for gold!) but the permutations are endless so we give up and hope for a nice surprise. The good news is that neither Finland nor Australia picked up points at the gate and both are out of the top three at the moment in this leg, so if it stays that way we will be closing the gap on them fast.
It's watch changeover day so I go from Port watch to starboard. I'm not looking forward to it, as going to bed at 8pm is completely alien to me and having to haul myself out of bed at 1.30am is not my idea of fun. On top of that Piers also changes the clocks and we go forward an hour. He likes to keep it still light for our crew meetings at 8pm and give the on-coming watch a chance to check the rig in the light. So we're now not on GMT (or UTC) we're on DBT (Dudin Boat Time). I quite like the idea of being able to change the clocks to suit your lifestyle. It would cause great chaos in the world – but what fun! My body might not be saying that at 1.30, sorry 2.30am tomorrow though! We also have new watch leaders from today. The lovely Lou will be ours, so whatever we do and whatever time we do it in – it's bound to be fun!